REGISYNC project launched!

A consortium of four leading organizations in the field of security research and small arms proliferation (Arquebus Solutions, CSD, Ecorys and the Small Arms Survey) launched the REGISYNC project, aimed at reducing the diversion of firearms into criminal hands in the EU and, as a result, improving LAEs ability to prevent, detect and persecute cases of firearms diversion. The kickoff meeting of the project took place on 22 October 2021. Due to the pandemic restrictions, the meeting was held online. Partners presented their teams and reviewed the project concept, work plan and dissemination strategy. They also agreed on the selection of Advisory Committee members and their expected contribution to the project.

A presentation on firearms registration systems was delivered by Arquebus Solutions.


Project Overview (Adobe PDF, 1.19 MB)

Dissemination (Adobe PDF, 67 KB)

Registration Systems (Adobe PDF, 917 KB)